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Snow-in-Summer | Plant Profile

Snow-in-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum) are vibrant and showy perennials that are often grown as groundcovers.  The evergreen grayish leaves create a mat-like carpet. Flowers appear on stems above the foliage in spring. The flowers are bright white and grow in clusters that cover the entire plant, resembling snow.

Snow-in-Summer prefers dry, sandy, well drained soil in full sun.

Snow-in-Summer are attractive groundcovers for areas with plenty of sun. They can line pathways or creep over stone walls for an unexpected pop of white.


Snow-in-Summer Characteristics

Snow-in-Summer are showy, groundcover perennials. However, even in ideal growing conditions, these plants can be short lived. They tend to tolerate a variety of soils as long as they are well drained. Propagation can occur via runners that root where they touch the ground or self seeding. Allowing to self seed can result in a matty-untidy appearance. Shear off the spent flower heads to prevent self seeding. This can be done by hand or using a lawnmower on a high setting. This can also neaten the foliage. To maintain the size, it is possible to divide these plants. Plant up to 1' apart initially as Snow-in-Summer can quickly spread.

Snow-in-Summer has few serious disease or insect issues. Seeds may fail to germinate if the soil is too damp or has too much shade. Poorly drained soils can result in root rot in established plants. Dead patches appear after a few years as these perennials are naturally short lived.

USDA Climate Zone
Zones 3 - 7
.50 - 1.00'
.75 - 1.00'
Bloom Time
Full Sun
Deer Resistant?