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Sweet Woodruff | Plant Profile

Sweet Woodruff (Galium odoratum) are fragrant perennials that are often used as groundcover for shaded areas. They can grow up to 12″ tall with foliage that grows into star shapes from a single point. Fragrant white flowers grow in to loose clusters that dot the tops of the foliage.

Sweet Woodruff prefers average fertility, medium to wet, well drained soils in part shade to full shade. The plants may become dormant if the summer sun dries out the soil. They propagate by creeping roots and self seeding. They can  become invasive in ideal growing conditions. The spread can be controlled using lawn mowers or weedwackers.

Sweet Woodruff are attractive and fragrant groundcover perennials that are a great addition to herb gardens, naturalized areas, woodlands, or shaded edging.


Sweet Woodruff Characteristics

The aroma of Sweet Woodruff becomes stronger when the foliage is damaged or dried. Dried leaves are popular in potpourris. The attractive fragrance of these plants have been used to make perfumes. The dried leaves can be used to flavor cold tea drinks. May wine is a sangria type punch that is made from orange, pineapple, and Sweet Woodruff.

There are few insect or disease issues that threaten Sweet Woodruff. The soils should not be allowed to dry out.

USDA Climate Zone
Zones 4 - 8
.50 - 1.00'
.75 - 1.50'
Bloom Time
April - May
Medium - Wet
Part Shade - Full Shade
Deer Resistant?