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Douglas Fir | Plant Profile

Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga meniziesii) is one of the tallest evergreen trees in North America, growing to over 300′ tall in the wild. However, smaller varieties are often used in home landscaping projects. When you plant a Douglas Fir, you have planted a tree for generations as they typically live up to 800 years.

Ideal for the Pittsburgh climate, Douglas Firs prefer cold winters and warm summers. Young Douglas Firs can require some watering depending on frequency of rain. They will not tolerate saturated ground and need to be planted in a well drained area.

Soil must also be very deep to accommodate the large roots. Douglas Firs should not be planted near house foundations as the must compensate for it’s large size. One the tree is established, watering is not necessary as it can survive in dry soils with little rainfall.


Douglas Fir Characteristics

The Douglas Fir is a pyramidal shaped evergreen. When young, the trees have branches nearly to the base of the trunk, making them a popular choice as Christmas trees. With age, Douglas Firs lose their lower branches giving them a long bare trunk with the pyramidal shape maintained throughout the rest of the tree. The needles are a deep green color bringing standout winter interest - especially with snow.

Douglas Firs grow best in moist to wet soil with plenty of space to grow.

Though smaller than their wild counterparts, landscape varieties still grow up to 80'. This makes them perfect for large lawns and public parks where they can add texture to a landscape or serve as borders and windbreakers.

USDA Climate Zone
Zones 4 - 6
40 - 80'
12 - 20'
Bloom Time
Medium to Wet
Full Sun
Deer Resistant?